chevron_right Advanced NDT Services
chevron_right Aerospace sealants & adhesives testing
chevron_right Bend / ductility test
chevron_right Blast profile measurement
chevron_right Cathodic disbonding testing
chevron_right Charpy impact test
chevron_right Chemical analysis - Lab based OES Spectroscopy
chevron_right Chemical analysis - On-site portable OES
chevron_right Chemical analysis - XRF Spectroscopy
chevron_right Coating adhesion pull off test
chevron_right Coating hardness test
chevron_right Coating mass test
chevron_right Coating soak test
chevron_right Coating thickness test
chevron_right Coatings Inspection - NACE /BGAS
chevron_right Concrete coating adhesion pull off test
chevron_right Concrete thickness test by Ultrasound
chevron_right Conventional NDT
chevron_right Copper suphate test -Contamination test
chevron_right Corrosion resistance test
chevron_right Corrosion under Insulation - PEC
chevron_right Computed Radiography Testing (CRT)
chevron_right Cyclic load testing - Rail Fatigue test
chevron_right Degree of cure test
chevron_right Dezincfication test
chevron_right Eddy Current Array - Surface flaw detection without coating removal
chevron_right Electrical conductors test
chevron_right ET - Eddy current testing on ferrous welds e.g. crane, tankers,bridges,etc
chevron_right Failure investigation
chevron_right Ferrite measurment by fisher ferritescope
chevron_right Ferrite measurment by microscopy
chevron_right Ferroxyl test - contamination test
chevron_right Fillet / nick break test
chevron_right Film continuity - holiday testing
chevron_right Galvanising inspection
chevron_right GPR to detect reo bars in concrete
chevron_right Guided Wave Long Range UT
chevron_right Hardness test - Brinell
chevron_right Hardness test - Leeb (Equotip)
chevron_right Hardness test - Rockwell
chevron_right Hardness test - Vickers
chevron_right Heat exchanger tube testing using advanced ECA
chevron_right Heat exchanger tube testing using IRIS
chevron_right Heat exchanger tube testing using MFL
chevron_right Heat exchanger tube testing using NFA
chevron_right Heat exchanger tube testing using NFT
chevron_right Heat exchanger tube testing using RFT
chevron_right Hydrostatic test
chevron_right In-situ load test
chevron_right Leak test - Vacuum box test
chevron_right LFET- Low frequency Eddy current testing on boiler water wall tubes
chevron_right LRUT - Guided wave Long range Ultrasonics
chevron_right Macro test
chevron_right Mechanical testing -
chevron_right Metallurgical tests -
chevron_right MT - Magnetic particle test
chevron_right NDT Level 3 services
chevron_right NDT on concrete structures
chevron_right Neutral salt spray test
chevron_right On-site anchor pull off test
chevron_right Passivation confirmation test
chevron_right PAUT - Phased Array Ultrasonic testing
chevron_right Plumb test on tanks
chevron_right PMI on coatings
chevron_right Pressure vessel inspection
chevron_right Pulsed Eddy current test - Thickness of steel without insulation removal
chevron_right Rail slow bend test
chevron_right Rail Weld Testing
chevron_right Rail Fatigue Testing
chevron_right Reinforcing bars testing
chevron_right Replication & Microscopy
chevron_right RT - Radiography film based / Digital
chevron_right SRUT - Short range ultrasonics
chevron_right Tank floor testing
chevron_right Tank Inspection - API 653, AS 1940
chevron_right Tank settlement survey
chevron_right Tensile Test
chevron_right Third Party Inspection
chevron_right Tinning test
chevron_right TOFD - Time of Flight Diffraction ultrasonics
chevron_right UT - Ultrasonic flaw detection
chevron_right Ultrasonic thickness testing (UTT)
chevron_right VT - Visual inspection
chevron_right Welder training / Welding Surveillance
chevron_right WPQR / Welder witnessing/ Welding Supervision
chevron_right WPS Development & Verification