membership status icon BE COMPELLING
location_onNSW AU


Douglas Partners Pty Ltd (Douglas) is one of the largest geotechnical professional firms in Australia and provides geotechnical and environmental services to oil and gas, mining, petrochemical, construction, land development and infrastructure projects throughout Australia and in the Asia Pacific region.

Douglas Partners' depth of professional expertise, its range of laboratory testing capabilities, its links with regional geotechnical and planning professionals, and the firms experience in remote area assessments deliver high-performance services that are cost-effective and practical solutions for clients.

Services include a complete range of geotechnical and groundwater services, mine geotechnics, environmental assessments and environmental impact studies, remediation, environmental auditing, soil and water testing, landfill management, quarry supply assessment, monitoring and environmental assessments and marine services.

Products and Services

chevron_right ENVIRONMENTAL
chevron_right Assessment and Management of Contaminated Land
chevron_right Ambient Air Monitoring
chevron_right Environment Management
chevron_right Environmental Assessment
chevron_right Environmental Auditing Services
chevron_right Landfill
chevron_right Occupational Hygiene Services
chevron_right Remediation Services
chevron_right Salinity and Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment | Salination Studies
chevron_right Waste Management
chevron_right Asbestos Management Plan
chevron_right 2D Modelling
chevron_right 3D Modelling
chevron_right Action Plans
chevron_right Advice
chevron_right Aerial Photography Assessment
chevron_right Aquifer Assessment
chevron_right Aquifer Simulation
chevron_right Aquifer Testing
chevron_right Bathymetric Mapping
chevron_right Bored Pile Inspections
chevron_right Computer Modelling
chevron_right Conservation Services
chevron_right Construction Monitoring
chevron_right Contaminant Fate
chevron_right Contaminant Migration Modelling
chevron_right Contaminated Land Assessment
chevron_right Contaminated Land Management
chevron_right Contaminated Soil Disposal
chevron_right Core Penetration Technology
chevron_right Corridor Planning
chevron_right Cuttability Assessment
chevron_right Depressurisation
chevron_right Depressurisation Scheme Management
chevron_right Depressurisation Schemes Design
chevron_right Developing Groundwater Supplies
chevron_right Dewatering Design
chevron_right Dewatering Management
chevron_right Direct Shear Testing
chevron_right Dredging Advice
chevron_right Dredging Programmes
chevron_right Drilling
chevron_right Dynamic Pile Capacity Testing
chevron_right Earthworks Control
chevron_right Electrical Resistivity Profiling
chevron_right Electromagnetic Profiling
chevron_right EM Profiling
chevron_right Environmental Impact Statements
chevron_right Environmental Management Plan Assessments
chevron_right Environmental Managment Plan Audits
chevron_right Environmental Services
chevron_right Field Compressor Stations Foundation Assessment
chevron_right Field Testing of Foundation Soils
chevron_right Foundation Design
chevron_right Foundation Design
chevron_right Geological Assessment of Reserves
chevron_right Geological Engineering
chevron_right Geology
chevron_right Geomechanics
chevron_right Geophysical Engineering
chevron_right Geotechnical Assessment of Drilling
chevron_right Geotechnical Assessments
chevron_right Geotechnical Consultancy
chevron_right Geotechnical Design
chevron_right Geotechnical Investigations
chevron_right Geotechnical Supervision
chevron_right Geotechnical Supervision of Excavations
chevron_right Geotechnical Testing
chevron_right Gravity Surveys
chevron_right Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging
chevron_right Groundwater Contamination Services
chevron_right Groundwater Control
chevron_right Groundwater Impact Assessment
chevron_right Groundwater Monitoring
chevron_right Groundwater Services
chevron_right Groundwater Studies
chevron_right Harbour Reclamation Studies
chevron_right Hazard Assessment
chevron_right Hazardous Building Materials Assessments
chevron_right Health Risk Assessments
chevron_right Hydrochemical Modelling
chevron_right Inspections
chevron_right Land Capability
chevron_right Land Development
chevron_right Landowner Consultation
chevron_right Landowner Engagement
chevron_right Lateral Displacement Assessment
chevron_right Locating Groundwater Supplies
chevron_right Magnetometer Profiling
chevron_right Management Plans
chevron_right Managing Groundwater Supplies
chevron_right Mapping
chevron_right Marine Dredging Studies
chevron_right Marine Environmental Studies
chevron_right Marine Seismic Reflection Profiling
chevron_right Mining Geotechnics
chevron_right Non-Intrusive Ground Testing
chevron_right Nuclear Density Meters
chevron_right Numerical Modelling
chevron_right Oedometer Consolidation Testing
chevron_right P&S Wave Logging
chevron_right Photo Mapping
chevron_right Pier Inspections
chevron_right Pile Test Review
chevron_right Pit Design
chevron_right Power Route Location Studies
chevron_right Predictive Modelling
chevron_right Proactive Compliance Services
chevron_right Productivity Assessments
chevron_right Pumping Test Data Processing
chevron_right Quarry Planning
chevron_right Quarry Product Assessment
chevron_right Recommendations
chevron_right Remediation Strategies
chevron_right Resource Assessment
chevron_right Retaining Structure Design
chevron_right Risk Mitigation
chevron_right Rock Testing
chevron_right Sampling
chevron_right Sediment Contamination Assessment
chevron_right Settlement
chevron_right Sidescan Sonar Mapping
chevron_right Site Assessment
chevron_right Site Contamination Assessment
chevron_right Site Contamination Clean Up Strategies
chevron_right Site Contamination Monitoring
chevron_right Situ Testing
chevron_right Slope Movement Assessment.
chevron_right Slope stabilisation
chevron_right Soil Erosion Assessment
chevron_right Soil Erosion Management Plan
chevron_right Soil Testing
chevron_right Stability Assessments
chevron_right Stability Assessments
chevron_right Statistical Modelling of Hydrological Data
chevron_right Subsidence Studies
chevron_right Support Methods
chevron_right Support Requirements
chevron_right Surface Mapping
chevron_right Surface Seismic Refraction Investigation
chevron_right Terrain Evaluation
chevron_right Testing
chevron_right Topography Assessment
chevron_right Transport Modelling
chevron_right Transport Route Studies
chevron_right Triaxial Test
chevron_right Tunnel Face Mapping
chevron_right Underground Mapping
chevron_right Vibration Assessment
chevron_right Vibration Monitoring
chevron_right Waste Management Services
chevron_right Water Quality Modelling
chevron_right Water Testing
chevron_right Work Management Systems
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96 Hermitage Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 AU


61 02 98090666


ABN 75053980117

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