done Security Officers: provision of fully trained, licensed and highly visible uniformed Security Officers who deliver the services in accordance with the clients requirements.
done Concierge (Security or Premium Front of House) As ambassadors for our clients, concierge staff are immaculately presented and provide a friendly and welcoming environment. Understanding the role requirements and identifying the right type of person to perform the role is paramount when recruiting for concierge. Our dedicated HR team source candidates from outside of the security industry and provide specialist training in customer service or hospitality as well as guidance in developing a directory of local services or key stakeholder profiles.
done Access Control: security officers ensure the integrity of controlled access points by denying entry of all unauthorised personnel. Key elements of the service include registering visitors, production of access and photo identification cards, conducting identification checks and searches. Comprehensive guidelines are followed for differing security threat levels.
done Control Room Operation: security personnel monitor sitesecurity systems, building management systems and closed circuit television systems (CCTV). Security personnel complete specific training which includes the operation, monitoring and testing of alarm panels, security cameras, monitoring systems and communications.
done Security Screening: the provision of highly skilled and exceptionally trained security screening personnel. Key applications include aviation screening, maritime screening, events, critical infrastructure sites (high security government buildings, financial institutions, courts and mining and resource sites).
done Foot Patrols and Perimeter Security: internal and external roving patrols and inspections of the premises to identify any security threats, HSE risks and report damage, vandalism or equipment faults.
done Loading Dock Management: The management of loading dock operations, including coordinating traffic and parking in the loading dock area and ensuring the integrity of building access point to and from the loading dock area.
done Loss Prevention: the design and implementation of strategies to assist in minimising loss due to theft, reducing shrinkage and ultimately maximising client profit.
done Fire Warden: security officers are regularly involved in the emergency response team either as Chief, Deputy or Area Fire Wardens and additional training or drills are completed following a strict schedule.
done Emergency Response and Occupational First Aid Services: the provision of first response services, including Paramedics, Emergency Service Officers, Registered Nurses and rescue trained personnel.
done Mine Protection: mine access control and emergency response services provided by professionally trained Mine Protection Officers (MPOs) and emergency response security personnel.
done Event Management: provision of event personnel, emergency management, traffic and parking management, ticket and turnstile operations, crowd control officers, event planning and consultancy.
done Personal Protection: VIP protection for specified staff, executives, visiting dignitaries and officials etc. provided by experienced and fully trained close personal protection operatives.
done Risk Management Consulting: periodic security audits to ensure any security risks are identified. A tailored plan is developed encompassing a security risk program offering risk minimisation solutions.
done Drug and Alcohol testing: provision of certified and trained Security Officers to complete alcohol and drug testing services that comply with both the Australian Standard and site procedures.
done Vehicle Inspections: provision of trained Security Officers to ensure vehicles comply with site requirements and passengers have adequate PPE to enter the site. Vehicle inspections on exit are also provided for loss prevention.
done Emergency Response and Paramedical Services (MSS Strategic Medical and Rescue): provision of fully qualified and trained paramedics, emergency response and rescue personnel to the mining, resources, maritime and critical infrastructure sectors.