![Supplier logo](https://gateway-files-prd.icn.org.au/images/image_39775_full.jpg?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9nYXRld2F5LWZpbGVzLXByZC5pY24ub3JnLmF1L2ltYWdlcy9pbWFnZV8zOTc3NV9mdWxsLmpwZyIsIkNvbmRpdGlvbiI6eyJEYXRlTGVzc1RoYW4iOnsiQVdTOkVwb2NoVGltZSI6MTczODg1NDc5OX19fV19&Signature=fWnE38N7AgX7T-f782AkfQ42Xqk-yyO4dK3HQIUnyphVOvUI7nP3s31r7Vz6hDX2NCUDfP175iCA9uKD8ENqVmBUMUHuOMEJQeuK1b7KQT3rdiDQ2CuzPmPPYKGuuPdORQts6AadQQ2kvLi9Z8pBMVyP~wJDNqmEklXbilme7MBRT4Pan4Rmqm~ggno8va24cl9C4qevIgSMQIUKGCK85VcJUzWYcJ1AqBMRWwqhjFYXlK-iiRcbttC8yxKy~9-6QjAx9ccIv1sHZTfGd1g0gZLQ9~Fe6pR2YzfEHnc3WfKBdbMnmavlDh6CLRqClS7NAamJl6cW~IyNw20SmCVOqg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIUIGZWICELO5MIPA)
14 Stirling Crescent
Surrey Hills VIC 3127
61 13 00458112
ABN 26121391704
Products and Services
Company Overview
NKT are a manufacturer and supplier of MV & HV Electrical Cables, Power Cable Accessories and HV Cable Jointing Services to the Australian and New Zealand markets. We are also supply product-specific training for Electrical trades nationwide, and are a global leader in the supply of overhead contact wires and associated wiring for Electric Railway Catenary Systems.
NKT Australia have been in operation since 2010. We have seen significant growth each year and we are earning an excellent reputation in the industry through our hard work, dedication and commitment to quality excellence. Working directly with the manufacturer, affords our customers with a risk averse approach to ensuring reliable connections in the most critical areas of their networks.
Our main focus is securing large projects within the renewables, mining, heavy infrastructure and utilities markets. We are certified locally and globally to the following standards; ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 14001:2015.
Unit 3
789 Kingsford Smith Drive
Eagle Farm QLD 4009
1300 458 112
ABN 26121391704