1202 Abernethy Road
High Wycombe WA 6057
61 8 92817500
ABN 69009205261
Products and Services
Company Overview
Fleetwood Australia is the largest owned and operated modular building solutions provider, with more manufacturing capacity than any other modular building company in Australia.
We create innovative spaces for people to thrive in urban, regional, and remote areas. Our solutions are delivered up to 50% faster than traditional construction methods, using offsite manufacturing to deliver more sustainable buildings for our clients.
As the industry leader, we have won numerous global awards across many sectors, including 7 Modular Building Awards in 2022 alone.
We create innovative spaces for education, housing, government, mining, and resources, custodial, commercial, multi-residential, housing, tourism, sport and recreation, defence, health & aged care settings.
Partnering with businesses, contractors, developers, state, and federal government clients, we build schools, offices, medical centres, hotels, community centres, mining camps, lifestyle villages, social housing and more.
1253 Main North Road
Para Hills West SA 5096
+61 8 7077 7700
ABN 69009205261