chevron_right Nuclear Density Testing. Our operators provide an integral service to the civil construction and mining industries with quality control nuclear density testing and compaction control during any and all earthworks construction projects, these include; major mining projects, road infrastructure, residential subdivisions, industrial land development projects and rail and water sectors. Our Field staff are well trained in the specifications and technical requirements that, local and state governments, project designers, water authorities and the regional rail network set for construction programs.
chevron_right GITA supervision and Testing Services. The role of GITA for a project is to work alongside the construction contractors, observing practices, testing materials and elements of construction and offering feedback/advice to help achieve compliance with the design requirements of a particular project. The GITA is typically engaged by either principle land owner, contractor or consultant to offer independent observation and verification of activities undertaken during construction, but not to act as a project manager directing or controlling work. By specifically offering advice as to whether or not activities are compliant but not taking control of works, we offer benefit of our considerable experience in a variety of construction projects while maintaining our idependence. We believe that this approach gives our clients comfort that we are carefully tracking and testing construction while giving confidence in our assessment, independent of construction contractors. All quality control density testing will be in accordance with: AS1289 Testing of Soil for Engineering Purposes, AS3798 Guidelines on Earthworks for Residential and Commercial Development
chevron_right Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Chadwick Geotechnics (CG) performs as a third party GVC (geosynthetics verification consultant) ensuring that contractors are collecting samples of GM, GCL and GT materials and sending them to independent laboratories for materials testing (as specified by the updated 2010 BPEM requirements for construction of clay liner landfills).
chevron_right Telecommunications Investigations Geotechnical investigations for telecommunication cable alignments for Telstra and its sub-contractors since 2003. The purpose of the investigations (referred to internally as rock tests) was to determine the approximate depth and percentage of rock likely to be encountered during the construction (either trenching or directional/horizontal drilling) along a specified length of cable route. The benefits of carrying out these rock tests are to reduce rock claims by contractors, reduce costs of installations of assets, assessments for best for practice methodology (trenching vs boring), reduces downtime during construction and a valuable planning tool for designers.
chevron_right Instrumentation Installation and Monitoring
chevron_right Chadwick Geotechnics has an experienced team of instrumentation specialists involved in helping customers monitor engineering construction. We have been involved with instrumentation installation and monitoring on many large construction and road projects in Australia and New Zealand Instrumentation Includes: Inclinometers, Pile Testing (Cross Hole Sonic), VW Piezometers, Inclinometer beam sensors and tilt meters, Profilometers, Settlement, Air Quality, Seismic
chevron_right Geotechnical Investigations. Our field engineers are available for logging, sampling, supervision and training on a variety of projects including drilling within brown fields projects as well as international geotechnical projects. Our Engineers have extensive experience and knowledge working in Papua New Guinea as Geotechnical Field Managers, providing supervision and guidance to local drilling crews and geologists as well as assisting in the logging of boreholes including SPTs, packer testing and the installation of standpipe Piezometers.
chevron_right Laboratory Testing - Chadwick Geotechnics operates corporate NATA accredited facilities allowing the set-up of annex facilities on remote or significant projects without project delay for construction materials testing. We provide onsite and laboratory services to mining, construction and civil engineering industries. Our laboratories perform a broad range of construction materials testing services for contractors, consultants and government agencies (local shires, road and water authorities, etc). Our NATA accreditation for field and laboratory construction material testing ranges from current national road authority standards test method to Australian Standards AS1141 Methods for Sampling and Testing Aggregates, AS1289 Methods for Testing Soils for Engineering Purposes, and AS5101 Methods for Preparation and Testing of Stabilised Materials along with local and state government agency standards and methods. Tests include: California bearing ratio, Shear strength, Particle size distribution, Atterberg limits, Standard compaction, Modified compaction, Density ratios, Thermal resistivity testing (field and laboratory values), Permeability falling head, constant head and flexible wall, Effective stress testing, Oedometer consolidation testing, Shrink swell testing, Degradation tests, Strength/crushing tests, Index tests.
chevron_right Drilling Services - With the unique drilling rigs and specialised in situ testing equipment currently owned by Chadwick Geotechnics, our clients drilling and sampling needs are well serviced. Our rigs have operated throughout Victoria, New South Wales, the ACT, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania, encompassing basic site investigations for residential properties to more complex environmental and geotechnical works. We are extensively involved in the investigative works for a host of rail, mining and energy clients and have been involved in numerous major infrastructure projects. We have extensive experience drilling earthing rod holes for the energy sector and our staff have ESI (Electricity Supply Industry) accreditations as well as Rail industry training.
chevron_right Our drillers have all completed Loss Prevention training and have a minimum of 6 months experience working on field projects. They are familiar with the identification and reporting procedures involving near losses. Chadwick Geotechnics encourages all of our staff across our Drilling, Laboratory and Field Departments to use Self Performance Self-Assessment (SPSA) as a safety tool in all aspects of their work and it is regularly discussed in all toolbox meetings.
chevron_right Thermal Resistivity testing - Chadwick Geotechnics hold NATA Accreditation for Thermal Resistivity Testing in the field and laboratory. The thermal rating of underground cables may have an adverse effect of the properties of the surrounding sub-soils and bedding materials used for the installation of these cables. Using state of the art equipment, Chadwick Geotechnics perform Thermal Resistivity testing, following NATA accredited in-house standards, based on the current international standards, ASTM D5334-08 and IEEE Standard 442-1981.Chadwick Geotechnics can carry out a Thermal Resistivity Route Survey along the proposed cable route. Testing can be performed either within an excavated test pit or can also be performed utilising equipment to take a Thermal Resistivity reading through a predrilled hole, to a depth of 1.0m. Along with the Thermal Resistivity data, an in situ density test is also taken. A bulk sample of the sub-soil is then collected to perform further laboratory testing this is to establish the condition of the natural soil. CG specialise in carrying out the full laboratory Dryout curve test, which plots Thermal Resistivity against Moisture loss. This allows a designer to determine at which point the moisture content of the soil will have an impact on the Thermal Resistivity of a particular soil type. The Dryout curve test contains greater information for a designer than a test which is only carried out on completely dried material. The Dryout curve sample can be produced to any parameter nominated by the Designer, with regard to Density Ratio and Moisture Content. CG Thermal Resistivity testing can also be carried out on nominated backfill material, including bedding sand and flowable thermal backfill material (usually a low strength concrete). All of the Thermal Resistivity testing Chadwick Geotechnics carry out complies with: Energy Australia guidelines, Appendix K of NS130, published in September 2009
chevron_right Remote Fly-in Fly-out (FIFO) Projects - CG has a track record we believe second to none in terms of our ability to provide geotechnical services in the most difficult, and, sometimes, hostile environments. Over recent years we have established testing facilities or provided services to projects as remote as Antarctica, the Papuan New Guinea Highlands, remote Northern Australia and Christchurch in New Zealand following the 2011 Earthquakes.
chevron_right Fuel Flurecnet Detenction (FFD) - The FFD allows for rapid site characterization by measuring fluorescence produced by aromatic hydrocarbons when excited by ultraviolet (UV) light. Pushed with our Cone Penetrometer Technology equipment, the FFD significantly reduces the time required to detect and delineate the extent of hydrocarbons fuels spills or leaking storage tanks with minimal investigation derived waste this efficient technology means there is no contaminated waste that requires containment and disposal as well as the additional savings of reduced time to complete the investigation. This machine is currently the only one of its type operating in the Southern Hemisphere.