Medowie Road
Medowie NSW 2318
61 04 57333303
ABN 44646367473
Products and Services
Company Overview
Simulation Air (SimAir) is a specialised Australian-owned company delivering advanced Live, Virtual, Constructive, and Operational (LVC&O) support solutions tailored for the Defence sector.
With a team of highly experienced professionals, many of whom are Australian veterans, SimAir leverages real-world military insights to develop training, simulation, and operational support that meet the exacting standards of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and allied organisations.
SimAir excels in creating integrated LVC&O environments that enhance combat readiness and operational effectiveness.
We provide expert personnel with deep domain knowledge, enabling high-fidelity simulations that seamlessly blend live assets with virtual and constructive entities.
Our services are comprehensive and adaptable, from delivering cutting-edge mission planning, scenario development, and exercise control (EXCON) support, to crafting custom simulations that replicate complex operational scenarios.