5 Intermodal Place
Kenwick WA 6107
61 08 93532666
ABN 37083731257
Products and Services
Company Overview
KTrans, a leading WA family owned and operated transport company has been operating since 1998. We operate across many parts of the road transport industry. These include contract logistics for Tier 1 Mining & Oil and Gas companies, wharf container transport, warehousing, Metro PUD of full load construction materials, general freight and significant transport project work.
As a niche provider to the market we find a solution to your freight task. Whether this be in general freight, contract logistics, bulk waste, building products or any other industry, our team will find a solution.
The team at KTrans are well experienced and have been providing high quality services throughout Australia.
We provide domestic road freight services to many of Australia's leading companies.
Some of our key partners include: Roy Hill Holdings, Fortescue Metals Group, Newcrest, Bechtel, Cleanaway, Veolia, Maersk and Steelmains to name a few.