Endfire Engineering was established in 2000, is wholly Australian owned and operated. We employ Fire System Designers and experienced Technicians across all fire safety disciplines.
We work throughout Queensland and the Northern Territory, with a presence in New Zealand for the past 8 years, for industries such as Healthcare, Aged Care, Manufacturing and Processing, Mining, Gas & Oil, Warehousing & Logistics, Hotel, Resort & Accommodation Facilities, Local, State & Federal Government and Defence sector.
We apply our technical know-how and experience to design and install, service and maintain, audit, and certify fire safety systems and equipment.
Our team of qualified and licenced fire technicians specialise in delivering fire prevention systems and procedures for businesses large and small; and we also support your staff with comprehensive and compliant systems and procedures to ensure your staff have the information they need to manage your fire safety obligations.
Products and Services

Endfire Engineering Pty Ltd
1/31 Rendle Street, Aitkenvale QLD 4814 Australia
61 7 47253800
ABN 43092895273