Project Overview
Transgrid has contracted the HumeLink East Joint Venture (Acciona Construction Australia Pty Ltd and Genus Infrastructure (NSW) Pty Ltd) to deliver the eastern portion of the HumeLink project.
The project involves the expansion of the existing Bannaby 500 kV substation, along with the design and construction of a new 500 kV double circuit transmission line. This new transmission line will connect the Bannaby 500 kV substation at the Wondalga interface point with HumeLink West.
Initial activities include site investigations and engineering design, followed by enabling civil works primarily for temporary roads and facilities.
The HumeLink East Joint Venture (AG JV) is now establishing procurement and resourcing relationships with local and regional suppliers to support a wide range of activities including:
- Geotech, survey and engineering design-related works
- Civil works and traffic management to install or upgrade approximately 400 kilometres of access tracks
- Establishment of 3 temporary 300-person worker accommodation facilities
- Establishment of 4 construction equipment laydown areas along the alignment
- Transport services for the delivery of steel, concrete and equipment
- Expansion of the existing Bannaby substation
- Erection and stringing of approximately 467 transmission towers
- Required works at the Wondalga interface point.
The HumeLink East Joint Venture is committed to working with Transgrid to maximise the social and economic benefits of HumeLink East for local and regional communities and is establishing a range of initiatives that aim to drive local business, employment and trainee participation throughout project delivery.
Interested parties are encouraged to contact the HumeLink East project team via email at or by calling 1800 317 367.
Additional information about the project is available on the HumeLink website here:
How to Register an Expression of Interest for Listed Packages
Work Packages currently available to submit an EOI for are listed on the 'Work Packages' tab above
To submit an initial EOI for the Work Scopes, companies must have an ICN Gateway capability profile.
Information on how to create your capability profile on ICN Gateway is detailed below.
ICN Gateway Capability Profile Creation
Click on "Join Now", at the top of this screen, to complete your capability profile on ICN Gateway.
Support and assistance is available through the web links listed below.
Your company summary and company description are used to assess your ability to complete projects when you lodge an EOI - please ensure that your company invests the time and energy required to represent your company in the most effective manner possible

NSW Australia
To assist The Humelink East Team in identifying capability not listed in specific work packages.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The Opportunity to work with Acciona Genus Joint Venture of the Humelink East
project providing contamination desktop study and on site works
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to provide flood modelling
assessment to submit an expression of interest (EOI)
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to carry out geotechnical
investigation works and reporting to submit an expression of interest (EOI).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to provide site
establishment earthworks, drainage and roadworks to submit an expression of interest (EOI).
Package has been divided into 5 locations across the project footprint namely:
1. Yass Camp and Office Compound Facility (In Yass township
2. Adjungbilly Camp and Office Compound Facility (Adjungbilly)
3. Gadara Road Laydown Area (Near VISY in Tumut)
4. Yass Laydown Area - Faulder Avenue (In Yass township)
5. Bannaby Substation Office Compound and Laydown Area (Bannaby)
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Providing arborist services, more specifically, including:
. assessing Hazard Trees within and adjacent to the transmission line
easement prior to clearing;
. conducting a pre-commissioning vegetation audit before energization;
. providing rationale for vegetation clearance, clearance reduction and
management methodology
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The Generic Scope of works includes,
- Asbestos classification testing
- Excavation Removal to tip site
- Development of ARCP + SafeWork notifications
- NATA Accredited Air Monitoring while asbestos removal
- Contaminated Material Transportation and Disposal
- Clean- Up and Area Restoration after removal of asbestos/contaminated materials.
- Clearance Certification following site restoration works.
- Decontamination of gear.
for the delivery of HumeLink East Project.
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AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to provide ASP1 Works to
submit an expression of interest (EOI)
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
This opportunity includes, but is not limited to the general asphalting, spray seal
and milling services for HumeLink East over the duration of the
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to establish one water
supply borehole at Woodhouselee and one at Adjungbilly to submit an expression of interest
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The supply of AI Tube/Busbar scope for the HumeLink East Project includes, but is not limited to:
- Precise Engineering
- Innovation and Site Efficiency
- Quality Checks
- Easy Installation
- Safety
- Supply Chain
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to provide operation and
maintenance of the camps to submit an expression of interest (EOI)
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The opportunity for potential tenderers to design, manufacture, construct and
install three camps for AG JV .
Further details Available in downloadable document
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
AGJV invite suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to provide CCTV for:
- Supply of BOSCH PTZ camera and mounting brackets.
- Supply of CCTV cubicle including various components such as media converter, PoE injector and network switch.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
. Providing all personnel, equipment and machinery required to
undertake the scope;
. Felling of trees by mechanical means;
. Root and stump removal (where required);
. Removal of topsoil and trees from property (where required); and
. Mulching
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The Concrete Pumping Services scope for the HumeLink East Project includes,
but is not limited to:
o Deploy cutting-edge concrete pumping equipment, including truckmounted boom pumps, line pumps, and stationary pumps, tailored
to meet the specific needs of the construction project.
Efficient Operation and Maintenance:
o Ensure the concrete pumps are operated efficiently, with a focus on
routine maintenance and regular inspections to maintain safe and
reliable performance.
Concrete Delivery co-ordination:
o Coordinate the delivered concrete to be pumped.
Versatility and Reach:
o Utilise concrete pumps with varying reach and flexibility to effectively
navigate complex construction sites, ensuring access to elevated or
confined areas.
Pipeline Management:
o Set up and manage the pipeline systems connecting the concrete
pump to the construction site, ensuring efficient concrete flow across
both short and long distances
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Supply, batching, delivery and testing of concrete to required locations on-site as
per Australian standards AS3600, AS1379, AS 5100, B80 RMS Spec.
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Offering a complete inventory of construction consumables essential for site
operations. This encompasses all necessary materials and supplies required for
the successful execution of construction projects
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The opportunity is to complete work with Acciona Genus Joint venture on
Humelink Eat completing construction survey.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Supply of 40mm x 4mm copper strip (main grid and fence grading ring) and
40mm x 6.3mm copper strip riser comply with C11000 to AS1566. It includes all
loading, unloading & freight charges to supply at Bannaby substation
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Crew Transport will be needed at the following locations:
- Canberra to Woodhouselee Camp (or vice versa)
- Canberra to Yass Camp (or vice a versa)
- Canberra to Adjungbilly Camp (or vice a versa)
- From Camp Locations to the work fronts (or vice versa)
- From Sydney to Camp Locations-Yass, Woodhouselee and Adjungbilly
(or vice a versa)
for delivery of the HumeLink East Project.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Delivering a spectrum of services to undertake pre and post-condition
dilapidation tasks
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AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to provide installation
services to conduct draw line stringing using drone technology to submit an expression of interest
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Supply from Electric Wholesalers will be needed at the following locations:
- Bannaby Substation (Hanworth Rd, Bannaby NSW 2580)
for delivery of the HumeLink East Project
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Services may include but not limited to:
. Provide first response coverage for medical and fire events
. Development and implementation of site wide Incident and Emergency Response Plans and associated documents
. Manage all aspects of patient care and provide pre-hospital care for injured personnel
. Conduct emergency related training to site personnel
. Provision, storage and maintenance of adequate medical supplies for site-based activities
. Assist with onsite occupational medical services i.e. Immunisations, Fit testing, physiotherapy referral and assistance, Skin Checks and Skin cancer awareness
. Health promotional services on Heat and cold exhaustion/ stress, Smoking / drug awareness, mental health, Healthy eating and good choices, infectious diseases and more i.e. toolbox talks, posters and educational sessions
. Fire Safety awareness and training services
. Bush fire and emergency evacuation management and strategy implementation on site
. Assist with planning / supervision of high-risk work activities as requested by site personnel which may include working at heights, confined space entry, working on electrical infrastructure etc
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to provide environmental
auditing services to submit an expression of interest (EOI).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The opportunity is to provide Acciona Genus Joint Venture necessary
equipment for environmental monitoring at various active sites including:
1. Camps and Compounds (24-month duration)
2. AG JV Construction Fronts (13-month duration)
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Providing a comprehensive range of equipment for hire, encompassing all
necessary tools, machinery, and vehicles required for the successful execution
of the Project. T
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
This opportunity comprise the supply and installation of fencing for the Project.
The works are to be carried out to industry best practice, the relevant
construction standards, and construction drawings. In some instances, the
Head Contractor will liaise with Subcontractor where fence removal will be
required post completion of the project.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Food Dehydrators needed at the following locations:
- Woodhouselee Camp and Compound (Crookwell Wind Farm)
- Yass Camp and Compound (Industrial Cl)
- Adjungbilly Camp and Compound (Adjungbilly Rd)
- Bannaby Office Compound (Transgrid's Bannaby Substation)
for delivery of the HumeLink East Project.
The supply of Food Dehydrators scope for the HumeLink East Project includes, but is not limited to:
Food Dehydrator System Implementation:
o The project involves the procurement and installation of food
dehydrators designed to meet the preservation needs of camp
kitchens, ensuring long-term storage of perishable food items while
maintaining nutritional value.
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability:
o The food dehydrators should be energy-efficient, incorporating
sustainable practices to minimise power consumption and reduce
the environmental footprint of the camp's food preservation
Operational Reliability:
o The dehydrators must be reliable and easy to operate, with features
that ensure consistent performance and minimal downtime during
peak food preservation periods.
Scalability and Adaptability:
o The system should be scalable and adaptable, allowing for easy
expansion or modification to accommodate increased food
preservation demands or changes in camp size and needs
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Form Reo Pour (FRP) Works will be needed at the following locations:
- Bannaby Substation
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The Services Vehicles for Fuel Supply for the HumeLink East Project scope includes, but is not limited to:
- Service Vehicles and Fuel Skid Supply:
o Supply of service vehicles and trucks, to transport and dispense fuel, Adblue, grease and oil for construction machinery, equipment, and vehicles across specified locations.
o Supply of fuel skids for generators and fuel dispensary.
- Fuel Quality Assurance:
o Ensure the fuel delivered by the service vehicles meets the required quality and compatibility standards for use in construction machinery and vehicles.
o Conduct regular fuel quality checks and adhere to industry standards to maintain fuel integrity and ensure reliable operation.
All suppliers and subcontractors will be required to meet HumeLink East prequalification standards and will also be required to register with the PROCUR-e procurement system.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
AGJV invites all suitably qualified businesses with the expertise and resources
to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for heavy vehicle recovery and
salvage services
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Hybrid Solar Generators are needed at the following locations:
- Woodhouselee Camp and Office Compound (Crookwell Wind Farm)
- Yass Camp and Office Compound (Industrial Cl)
- Adjungbilly Camp and Office Compound (Adjungbilly Rd)
- Banabby Office Compound (Transgrid's Bannaby Substation)
- Tumut Laydown (Gadara Rd)
for delivery of the HumeLink East Project.
The supply of Hybrid Solar Generators scope for the HumeLink East Project
includes, but is not limited to:
Comprehensive Hybrid Power System:
o This package involves implementing a hybrid power system tailored
to meet the diverse energy requirements of camp facilities, including
living quarters, offices, dining areas, and recreational spaces.
Incorporation of Renewable Energy:
o The system will integrate renewable energy sources to decrease
dependence on fossil fuels, reduce carbon emissions, and support
sustainable energy practices.
Reliable Backup Power:
o To ensure a continuous power supply, the hybrid system will include
backup options like diesel generators or battery storage, which will
activate during periods of low renewable energy production or high
energy demand.
Adaptability and Expandability:
o The hybrid power system will be designed with scalability and
flexibility in mind, enabling it to be easily expanded or modified to
accommodate evolving camp needs and seasonal energy demands
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Acciona & Genus Joint Venture invite established and emerging Indigenous artists with a connection to Wiradjuri, Gundungarra and Ngunnawal to submit an expression of Interest (EOI) to design and develop an original and authentic digital design. The licence and all rights for the artistic design will be owned by ACCIONA & Genus the company engaging the artist.
Please download the attached scoping document
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The opportunity to provide a diverse range of labour for the Acciona Genus
Joint Venture, proficient in various industries and job functions
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to provide Landscaping
and Vegetation Remediation works to submit an expression of interest (EOI)
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Provision of freight services from Sydney port to the locations listed below (but
not limited to):
1. Yass Valley Council
2. Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council
3. Upper Lachlan Shire Council
4. Snowy Valleys Council
The key responsibilities are:
1. Terminal Handling Charges
2. Shipping Line Doc Fees
3. Customs Clearance Fees
4. Quarantine Entry
5. Quarantine Permit
6. All other necessary payments and permits.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to supply LV Cables to
submit an expression of interest (EOI)
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AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to provide road registered and towable mobile crib / toilet units to submit an expression of interest (EOI).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Providing design supply and installation of temporary facilities for portable site
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Optic Fibre Cable and FOBOTs and FOSE will be needed at the following
- Bannaby Substation (Hanworth Rd , Bannaby NSW 2580)
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The Opportunity is to supply Acciona Genus Joint Venture on the HumeLink
East Project supply Personal Protective Equipment:
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AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to provide supply and
manufacture of pre-cast concrete to submit an expression of interest (EOI).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Precast Installation will be needed at the following locations:
- Bannaby Substation, and
- Other locations as directed by AGJV,
for delivery of the HumeLink East Project.
The Precast Installation scope for the HumeLink East Project includes, but is
not limited to:
Trenching and installation of Stormwater drainage:
o Supply all necessary labour, supervision, tools, and temporary
materials and consumables required for the installation of pre-cast
stormwater drainage, including fittings, headwalls, pits, and lids.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Various pre-employment programs will be delivered in regional NSW towns, for
example, Yass, Goulburn, Queanbeyan, Gundagai to specific cohorts. Cohorts
could consist of long term unemployed; females; First Nations people; Veterans
and others.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Project and Safety Signs will be needed at the following locations:
Woodhouselee - Upper Lachlan Shire Council
Yass - Yass Valley Council
Adjungbilly - Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council
Snowy Valleys Council
for delivery of the HumeLink East Project.
The supply of sitewide Project and Safety Signs scope for the HumeLink East
Project includes, but is not limited to:
o Project and Safety Sign is inclusive, but not limited to:
- Custom Signage
- Gate Signs
- General Construction Site Signage
- General Site Safety Signage including large notice boards
- Road and Traffic Signs
- Wayfinding Fingerboards
- Galvanized Signpost Setup
o AGJV to provide custom signage designs to the supplier.
o All standardised Road and Traffic signage must adhere to relevant
Australian Standards (e.g., AS 1742 for road signs), local council
requirements, and any project-specific guidelines.
o Ensure that designs are clear, legible, and comply with relevant
regulatory and industry standards.
Material Selection
o Signage materials must be weather-resistant and durable, capable
of withstanding outdoor conditions without significant degradation for
the duration of the project.
o Common materials include aluminium, stainless steel,
polycarbonate, and corflute.
o Signage to be delivered within specified locations as mentioned
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Supply, fabrication and delivery of steel reinforcement cages for:
. Bored piles
. Precast monoblocks
. Pile caps
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
This package is for revegetation and dust suppression of access tracks, batters, and tower pads within and adjacent to the transmission line easement as agreed in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The scope includes, but is not limited to:
- Providing all personnel, equipment and machinery required to undertake the scope;
- Supply and application of hydroseed, hydromulch, and seed mixes
- Supply and application of polymers to prevent dust.
- Any associated agronomy and biosecurity services
- Working in steep terrain
All suppliers and subcontractors will be required to meet HumeLink East prequalification standards and will also be required to register with the
PROCUR-e procurement system.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Shotcrete Works will be needed at the following locations:
- Bannaby Substation
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The Works comprise of cleaning the site offices and maintaining a clean
environment at the main compound of the Project and inclusive of the following
. Bannaby
. Wondalga
. Woodhouselee
. Yass
. Adjungbilly
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Site Material Testing will be required at the following site locations:
- Bannaby,
- Goulburn,
- Yass,
- Tumut, and
- Nearby regions
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The supply of Site Radios for the HumeLink East Project scope includes, but is not limited to:
- Telecommunication System Study and Design:
o Conduct an alignment study and design for the telecommunication system.
- Permitting:
o Acquire all necessary local, state, and federal permits required for the project.
- Installation and Maintenance:
o Oversee the installation and ongoing maintenance of the telecommunication system.
- Provision of Hardware:
o Supply telecommunication hardware for both office and mobile vehicle use.
- Telecommunication System Requirements:
o Wide Coverage and Reliability: The system must provide reliable communication over a wide area, ensuring seamless coordination across large construction sites.
o Durability and Weather Resistance: The equipment should be built to withstand harsh environmental conditions, including dust, moisture, and extreme temperatures.
o Clear Audio Quality: The system must deliver clear and crisp audio transmission, essential for effective communication in noisy construction environments.
o Emergency Communication Capabilities: The system should enhance site safety by enabling quick communication and coordination during emergencies, helping to mitigate risks and protect personnel.
o Additional transmission of RTCM MSM in the 450MHz range to be used for broadcast and re-broadcast of GNSS corrections.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to provide site security services to submit an expression of interest (EOI).
Providing a comprehensive range to supply, install and monitor security measures for the successful execution of the Project. This includes the use of relevant equipment, plant, machinery, materials and personnel. The main project office and camp compound will be in Yass with two satellite sites at Adjungbilly and Woodhouselee. The project also has three laydown yards located in Yass, Tumut and Bannaby. Site security services are required at all locations.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Slip Form Kerb & Gutter Works will be needed at the following locations:
- Bannaby Substation
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Substation Control and Protection will be needed at the following locations:
- Bannaby Substation (Hanworth Rd, Bannaby NSW 2580)
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Substation Fencing will be delivered to the Bannaby 500kV substation.
The Substation Fencing for the HumeLink East Project scope includes, but is
not limited to:
Fabrication and Supply:
o Manufacture and delivery of fencing panels and components, such
as palisade or welded mesh, according to project specifications.
o Ensure that all materials meet the required standards for durability,
security, and aesthetics.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Substation Lighting and Lightning Poles will be needed at the following
- Bannaby Substation (Hanworth Rd, Bannaby NSW 2580)
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The scope of this work involves piling for all HV equipment (& fencing) within the new & existing substation in accordance with the project drawings and specifications. This includes the mobilization and demobilization of all required plant / equipment, and personnel to and from the site. Additionally, the scope encompasses the implementation of all necessary temporary work required during the drilling and piling processes for the successful completion of the foundation excavation.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
AG JV invite all suitably qualified businesses with the ability and capacity to supply high tensile bolts to
submit an expression of interest
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Supply and Delivery of Granular Quarry material for construction of Temporary
access roads, Construction working platforms and Hardstand Areas.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
This tender package relates to the supply of services for a Surface Miner and
Scrubber bulk civil works at Bannaby substation with an expected excavation of
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Providing temporary hurdles design for crossing for each stringing pull across
the project alignment,
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This package is for supply of structural timber utility poles for Hurdling Works to protect the energy assets while carrying out transmission line stringing works.
Timber Pole Requirements have been listed below.
- Timber Poles must meet mechanical strength and height requirements as per design. This can range from 12m to 24m tall poles with various strength ratings. The design was developed around standard available to accommodate safety requirements as per Issued for Construction Design.
- Must meet AS 2209
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The opportunity is to work with Acciona Genus Joint Venture on Humelink East
providing traffic control for the project.
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Providing a comprehensive range of all necessary tools and resources suitable
to carry out sufficient traffic control works for successful execution of the
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The opportunity for potential tenderers is the manufacturing, supply and delivery
of lattice steel towers inclusive of spares. The Tenderer will be required to
provide galvanizing and dulling as part of the works and tower testing.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Service location works, more specifically:
. locating services using surface location methods
. site rehabilitation outside of main construction footprint;
. backfilling of area upon completion of utilities investigation; and
. dewatering of site work areas and services, performed by an approved vacuum truck.
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The general scope of work comprises the collection and disposal of generated waste and recycling during the project's delivery phase.
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The Opportunity is to work with Acciona Genus Joint Venture to to identify
available water access options, licensing and purchase of water, including any
reporting requirements for construction of the project.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
The Opportunity is to work with Acciona Genus Joint Venture to identify
available water access options, licensing and purchase of water, including any
reporting requirements for construction of the project.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.