The closing date for this project has been reached.
For your information, the following similar projects are still available on Gateway:
Cohuna Public Sector Residential Aged Care Service
The Victorian Government is investing $41.1 million to build a new 24 bed co-located facility at Cohuna District Hospital.The Rural and Regional Public Sector Residential Aged Care..
Mansfield Public Sector Residential Aged Care Service
The Victorian Government is investing $62.84 million to redevelop the residential aged care facilities at Mansfield District Hospital. The project will build a new residential aged..
Orbost Public Sector Residential Aged Care Service
The Victorian Government is investing $45.36 million to build a new residential aged care facility at Orbost Regional Health. The new facility will replace Lochiel House and Warata..
Werribee Mercy Health - Emergency Department Expansion Project
The Werribee Mercy Hospital Emergency Department Expansion Project ("the Project") will construct a new emergency department on the Werribee Mercy Hospital site with 67 points of c..