location_onVIC Australia

VIC Australia



Project Primary Contact
Michael Smith
Industry Adviser
+61 447 330 836

The Goschen Rare Earths and Mineral Sands Project is a mining and processing facility located in the Loddon-Mallee Region of North-West, Victoria. The project will operate for 20-25 years and is expected to create at least 250 construction jobs and 400 full time jobs, boosting the local economy. The project will mine rare earths, zircon-titania Heavy Mineral Concentrate (HMC), and mixed rare earth carbonate (MREC), as well as premium zircon, high titanium rutile (HiTi), HiTi leucoxene, and low chromium ilmenite. These minerals are used in a variety of applications which include permanent magnets needed in electric vehicles and offshore wind turbines, and superconductors. The project will produce more than $2.0 billion for the local economy and an additional $1.4 billion for the State.

The mine footprint covers 1,534 hectares of farmland. Mining will be undertaken using conventional open cut mining methods, and the heavy mineral sands and rare earths will be processed on site. The project is expected to be environmentally friendly, with the mined areas being progressively backfilled, and the tailings and waste being placed back into the open pit. The project will require up to 4.5 gigalitres of water per year which will be sourced from Goulburn Murray Water via the open water market. A new pump station will be built at Kangaroo Lake from where the water will be pumped to site. The power needed for mining and processing will be produced on site from multi-fuel diesel/LNG and LPG power generators, and the project will investigate renewable power opportunities.

The project is expected to progress to detailed design engineering for Phase 1, based on Definitive Feasibility Study Refresh completed in March 2023.

VHM's Goschen Rare Earths and Mineral Sands Project - Video

Phased Development Approach

Development of Goschen Project is planned to occur in three phases;

  • Phase 1 - consists of a mining unit plant (MUP), wet concentrator plant (WCP), and a rare earth mineral flotation circuit (REMFC) producing rare earth mineral concentrate (REMC) and zircon/titania heavy mineral concentrate (HMC) with first commissioning in H1, 2025.

  • Phase 1A - introduces a hydrometallurgical plant to further upgrade the REMC into higher value mixed rare earth concentrate (MREC) with first commissioning in H2, 2025.

  • Phase 2 - an additional mineral separation plant (MSP) to produce final separable mineral sand products, including ilmenite, zircon, leucoxene, and high titanium rutile (HiTi rutile). Phase 2 may commence approximately two years post first production of Phase 1.

Contracts and Procurement

VHM Limited (VHM) is committed to realising value for money at an acceptable level of risk for all procurement expenditure. Value for money involves selecting vendors who can provide the best overall benefit to VHM over the procurement cycle. VHM aims to support and develop local business sustainability.

  • VHM prefers commercially viable opportunities that provide local employment and support local business infrastructure.

  • Opportunities are available through VHM directly and also through its construction and operational contractors.

  • VHM maintains a procurement policy and local preference policy.

  • Mining is a highly regulated industry where all operations, works and activities are subject to regulation under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004) and regulations.

  • VHM targets best practice in safety, environment, social, governance and sustainability.

  • VHM will induct all on site workers in safety, environmental, and other policies.

  • All equipment will be inspected, and operators approved by VHM before mobilisation to site.

  • Only approved VHM officers can engage your business.

Capability Areas

VHM invites interested contractors to submit an expression of interest in the following areas:

  • Drilling and Support Services
  • Minor Equipment Hire
  • General Hardware
  • Fencing
  • Accommodation
  • Road and Intersection Works
  • Fuel Supply
  • Security
  • Traffic Management


  • To submit an EOI, companies must have an ICN Gateway company profile. Information on how to register your company on ICN Gateway is detailed below.
  • This is an initial, generic EOI submission only. All companies who submit an EOI will be included in information presented to companies who are short listed to bid for this Project.
  • The services, programmes and initiatives provided by ICN Victoria are aimed at complementing a company's existing Sales, Marketing and Business Development strategy and any EOI submitted should not be considered as an alternative to these activities.


  • Click here to register your company profile on ICN Gateway.
  • Support and assistance are available through the web links listed below.
  • An ICN Gateway company profile that accurately and effectively summarises your company is critical to using the services of the ICN Group - please ensure that your company invests the time and energy required to represent your company in the most effective manner possible.
  • Companies should ensure that the email notification functionality within their ICN Gateway company profile is activated to include an appropriate level of coverage to Information & Updates, Major Projects and Regional Opportunities.

(1) ICN Gateway Setup Wizard
(2) ICN Gateway User Guide

Total Work Package
Open Work Package
Total Work Package
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Full scope EOI closes on
01 Oct 2024

Express interest for any opportunities that may arise for this project.

Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.