The North East Link Program (NELP) will connect the Eastern Freeway at Bulleen Road to the M80 Ring Road at the Greensborough Bypass. The northern component of North East Link completes the connection between the tunnelling package near Richards Avenue, Watsonia and the M80 Ring Road in Greensborough.
The M80 Ring Road Alliance, has been selected to deliver the M80 Ring Road Completion Project.
The scope of M80 Ring Road Alliance activities includes:
- upgrades to the M80 Ring Road from Plenty Road to the M80 Interchange
- freeway carriageways between the M80 Ring Road at the M80 interchange and the North East Link tunnelling package
- public transport interfaces
- maintaining and, where practicable, enhancing existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities impacted by project construction, including bicycle and pedestrian enhancements
- landscaped bridges over the trench structure
- an arterial road on the east and west of the North East Link, between Watsonia Road and Grimshaw Street, and
- structures over drains, creeks and other water courses necessary for, or required as a result of, project delivery.
Creating Sustainable Infrastructure
The M80 Ring Road Alliance is committed to maximising the social, economic and environmental benefits generated by the project. This commitment includes:
- maximising the use of recycled materials in support of the Victorian Government's circular economy strategy
- providing local employment opportunities to residents of north-east Melbourne including opportunities for new people to enter the industry
- at least 10% of the workforce to be new entrant Victorian apprentices, trainees and cadets
- ensuring Aboriginal businesses and social enterprises are integrated into all levels of the supply chain
- increasing the diversity of the industry by providing opportunities for women, Aboriginal people, youth and other under represented groups
To be successful in your expression of interest, prospective contractors and suppliers will be required to demonstrate their commitment to creating sustainable infrastructure and the ability to create additional value for money for the State of Victoria.
Potential Opportunities
The M80 Ring Road Alliance encourages local suppliers and contractors, including Aboriginal businesses and social enterprises, to register their Expression of Interest through the ICN Gateway.
Opportunities available on the project include, but are not limited to:
- earthworks
- concrete supply
- plant and equipment hire
- crane hire
- traffic management, barriers, and signage
- labour hire
- public lighting
- traffic signals
- site compounds and facilities
- steel girders
- temporary fencing
- haulage
- track protection officers
- construction consumables
- To submit an initial EOI, companies must have an ICN Gateway company profile. Information on how to register your company on ICN Gateway is detailed below.
- This is an initial, generic EOI submission only. All companies who submit an EOI will be included in information presented to the M80 Ring Road Alliance.
- The M80 Ring Road Alliance will make direct contact with companies who submit an EOI and/or pass details onto its main contractor.
- As ICN Victoria becomes engaged on individual Work Packages for the M80 Ring Road Alliance, specific EOIs may need to be submitted.
- The services, programmes and initiatives provided by ICN Victoria are aimed at complimenting a company's existing Sales, Marketing and Business Development strategy and any EOI submitted should not be considered as an alternative to these activities.
- Click hereto register your company profile on ICN Gateway.
- Support and assistance is available through the web links listed below.
- An ICN Gateway company profile that accurately and effectively summarises your company is critical to using the services of the ICN Group - please ensure that your company invests the time and energy required to represent your company in the most effective manner possible.
- Companies should ensure that the email notification functionality within their ICN Gateway company profile is activated to include an appropriate level of coverage to ICN News and Updates, Major Projects and Regional Opportunities.
1) Gateway by ICN Setup Wizard
3) Gateway by ICN EOI User Guide
Express interest for any opportunities that may arise for this project.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Concrete Supply opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Construction Consumables opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Crane Hire opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Earthworks opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Haulage opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Labour Hire opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Plant and Equipment Hire opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Public Lighting opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Site Compounds and Facilities opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Steel Girders opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Temporary Fencing opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Track Protection Officers opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Traffic Management, Barriers and Signage opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Express interest for the Traffic Signals opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.