Sydney Metro
location_onNSW Australia

Sydney Metro is Australia's biggest public transport project.

In 2024, Sydney will have 31 metro railway stations and a 66km standalone metro railway system, revolutionising the way Australia's biggest city travels. By the end of the decade, the network will be expanded to include 46 stations and more than 113 kilometres of world-class metro for Sydney.

Metro means a new generation of world-class fast, safe and reliable trains easily connecting customers to where they want to go. Customers don't need timetables - they just turn up and go.

New stations are being delivered at Crows Nest, Victoria Cross, Barangaroo, Martin Place, Pitt Street and Waterloo along with new underground platforms at Central Station. Stations along the existing Bankstown Line are also being upgraded. There will be safety screen doors on platforms and all stations will be fully accessible.

Sydney Metro, together with signalling and infrastructure upgrades across the existing Sydney rail network will deliver benefits for train customers across Sydney, especially the west, north west and south west, including:
- Increasing the capacity of train services entering the Sydney CBD by 60%
- Cutting crowding on the T1 Western Line and on suburban trains from the south west
- Less platform crowding at Wynyard and at other key stations such as Town Hall and North Sydney
- Up to 10 minutes faster from Bankstown to the city
- Around 20 minutes faster trip, Martin Place to Macquarie Park
- Space for an extra 100,000 passengers in the busiest hour of the peak

Sydney Metro has four core components:
- North West Metro Line - this 36km rail line is now open, with a metro train every four minutes in the peak
- Sydney Metro City & Southwest - a new 30km metro line linking with Metro Northwest at Chatswood, and then under Sydney Harbour, through the CBD and south west to Bankstown. It is due to open in 2024 with the capacity to run a metro train every two minutes each way under the centre of Sydney.
- Sydney Metro West - new underground railway will connect Greater Parramatta and the Sydney CBD, doubling rail capacity between the two CBDs, linking new communities to rail services and supporting employment growth and housing supply. The locations of seven proposed metro stations have been confirmed at Westmead, Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, North Strathfield, Burwood North, Five Dock and The Bays. Further planning is underway to determine the location of a new metro stations withing the Sydney CBD and at Pyrmont.
- Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport - new metro rail will become the transport spine for Greater Western Sydney, connecting communities and travellers with the new Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport and the growing region. The 23 kilometre new railway will have six new metro stations.

Further information on the project is available at

ICN is seeking registrations of general interest from suppliers and contractors at all levels of project delivery.Companies that have registered will be notified of specific work packages as the project procurement proceeds, and invited to register specific interest.Please register your interest for project updates under the 'Work Packages' tab above.

How to register an Expression of Interest (EOI)
- Work Packages currently available to submit an EOI for are listed in the 'Work Packages' section above. Refer to the EOI User Guide below for instructions and assistance to submit an EOI.
- To submit an initial EOI for the work packages, companies must have an ICN Gateway company profile. Information on how to register your company on ICN Gateway is detailed below.

ICN Gateway Company Registration
- Click here to register your company profile on ICN Gateway.
- Support and assistance is available through the links listed below.
- Your company summary and company description are used to assess your ability to complete projects when you lodge an EOI - please ensure that your company invests the time and energy required to represent your company in the most effective manner possible.

Total Work Package
Open Work Package

Sydney Metro


NSW Australia

Project Primary Contact
Thuy Ho
Operations Manager
+61 2 9927 3100
Total Work Package
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Full scope EOI closes on
30 Jun 2025

Express interest for any opportunities that may arise for this project.

Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.