TAS, VIC Australia
Upcoming Events
Marinus Link Industry Briefings: Meet The Proponents
'Meet the Proponents' sessions provide an opportunity for contractors and suppliers to receive a project update from Marinus Link leaders, connect with representatives from Marinus Link's shortlisted proponents and hear from key industry agencies including the Industry Capability Network.
Select the links below for further details and to register your attendance.
1. Marinus Link Industry Briefing: Meet The Proponents - Burnie, Tasmania Monday 17th February 2025
2. Marinus Link Industry Briefing: Meet The Proponents - Leongatha, Victoria, Thursday 20th February 2025
3. Marinus Link Industry Briefing: Meet The Proponents - Morewell, Victoria, Friday 21st February 2025
About the Project
Marinus Link is a proposed undersea and underground electricity and data interconnector between North West Tasmania and the Latrobe Valley in Victoria.
The project includes high voltage direct current (HVDC) cables, fibre optic cables, a communications station, and converter stations at each end.
The project's cables span 345 kilometres (km). This includes 255 km of undersea cables across Bass Strait and 90 km of underground cables in Gippsland, Victoria.
Marinus Link will improve the connection between Tasmania and the national grid.
It will enable the flow of more electricity in both directions, delivering low-cost, reliable and clean energy for customers in the National Electricity Market (NEM).
Marinus Link's 1500 megawatt (MW) capacity is equal to the power supply for 1.5 million Australian homes and approximately three times the capacity of the existing Tasmania to Victoria interconnector, Basslink.
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has confirmed that Marinus Link is a critical, and urgently required part of Australia's low-cost, reliable and clean energy future. (Source: AEMO 2024 Integrated System Plan).
Marinus Link will create around 3300 direct and indirect jobs at peak construction across Tasmania and Victoria. Marinus Link will generate approximately $3.9 billion in direct economic activity in Tasmania and Victoria during construction and operation.
Marinus Link Pty Ltd (MLPL) is jointly owned by the Australian, Tasmanian and Victorian Governments.
Further information about Marinus Link can be found in their digital library, which includes info packs, factsheets and maps.
Lead Contractors will be required to provide Tasmanian and/or Victorian Industry Participation Plans that demonstrate how they will maximise opportunities for Australian companies.
MLPL recognises that the project provides significant opportunities for suitably qualified and experienced Australian manufacturers, suppliers, contractors and subcontractors, consultants and other service providers to participate, directly or indirectly, in the project.
Across all works packages, contractors and subcontractors will need to effectively manage contract interfaces and scheduling requirements.
Marinus Link is currently in the Design and Approvals phase.
Marinus Link will be delivered in two stages. Initially as a 750 MW project (Stage 1) with a second 750 MW link to follow at a later date (Stage 2).
A Final Investment Decision on Stage 1 of Marinus Link is planned for mid 2025.
Construction of Stage 1 is expected to begin in 2026 and completed by 2030.
A decision on Stage 2 to be made at a later date, with plans to be completed and in service around 2033.
Key milestones include:
- Design and Approvals (current phase)
- Final Investment Decision for Stage 1 mid 2025
- Manufacturing, construction and commissioning of Stage 1 from 2026, completed by 2030
- Decision on Stage 2 made at a later date
Stage 1
Stage 1 of Marinus Link involves 750 MW symmetrical monopoles of HVDC cable spanning 255km undersea in Bass Strait and 90km underground in Victoria.
Two converter stations will be constructed; one in Heybridge, Tasmania and another in Hazelwood, Victoria.
This will allow the NEM to access:
- Tasmania's existing renewable storage capacity of 14 TWh.
- Additional capacity from Tasmania's planned hydro redevelopments, including Tarraleah.
- World-class wind resources from current and new wind developments.
Stage 2
Stage 2 of Marinus Link involves a second 750 MW symmetrical monopoles of HVDC cable spanning 255km undersea in Bass Strait and 90km underground in Victoria.
Two converter stations will be constructed at the same sites in Heybridge and Hazelwood.
A decision on this stage will be made at a later date and align with hydro developments in Tasmania.
Main Works Packages
Marinus Link will be delivered via the following main works packages:
HVDC Converters
Converter Design and Supply Equipment; and Converter Design and Construct Stations
HVDC Cables
Cable System - 'CB1'; and Cable System - 'CB2'
MLPL has engaged with international suppliers for equipment works packages. See links below.
Marinus Link secures cables: 2030 completion date locked in Marinus Link
For Australian entities, the majority of opportunities will exist via civil work's packages and sub-contract arrangements with the appointed international suppliers.
- To submit an EOI, companies must have an ICN Gateway company profile. Information on how to register your company on ICN Gateway is detailed below.
- This is an initial, generic EOI submission only. All companies who submit an EOI will be included in information presented to companies who are short listed to bid for this Project.
- The services, programmes and initiatives provided by ICN Victoria are aimed at complementing a company's existing Sales, Marketing and Business Development strategy and any EOI submitted should not be considered as an alternative to these activities.
- Click here to register your company profile on ICN Gateway.
- Support and assistance are available through the web links listed below.
- An ICN Gateway company profile that accurately and effectively summarises your company is critical to using the services of the ICN Group - please ensure that your company invests the time and energy required to represent your company in the most effective manner possible.
- Companies should ensure that the email notification functionality within their ICN Gateway company profile is activated to include an appropriate level of coverage to Information & Updates, Major Projects and Regional Opportunities.
Express interest for any opportunities that may arise for this project.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Geotechnical investigation services (various packages - Vic and Tas).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
If you are a Lead Contractor and wanting to be considered for the HVDC Submarine Cable work package, please visit the Tasnetworks E-Procurement Portal - https://portal.tenderlink.com/tasnetworks/login
HVDC submarine cable design, manufacture, transportation, supply, installation and commissioning (single package), including landfall horizontal directional drilling (Vic and Tas).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
If you are a Lead Contractor and wanting to be considered for the HVDC Underground Cable work package, please visit the Tasnetworks E-Procurement Portal - https://portal.tenderlink.com/tasnetworks/login
HVDC underground land cable design, manufacture, transportation, supply, installation and commissioning (single package, excluding land trenching civil works and land horizontal directional drilling (Vic and Tas).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
If you are a Lead Contractor and wanting to be considered for the HVDC Voltage Source Conversion Converter Station work package, please visit the Tasnetworks E-Procurement Portal - https://portal.tenderlink.com/tasnetworks/login
HVDC Voltage Source Conversion converter station design, manufacture, transportation, supply, installation and commissioning, including design and construction of converter buildings (single package - Vic and Tas).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Converter site establishment (two packages - Vic and Tas).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
HVDC submarine cable design, manufacture, transportation, supply, installation and commissioning (single package), including landfall horizontal directional drilling (Vic and Tas).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
HVDC underground land cable design, manufacture, transportation, supply, installation and commissioning (single package, excluding land trenching civil works and land horizontal directional drilling (Vic and Tas).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
HVDC Voltage Source Conversion converter station design, manufacture, transportation, supply, installation and commissioning, including design and construction of converter buildings (single package - Vic and Tas).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Land trenching civil works, including land horizontal directional drilling (Vic only).
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.