VIC Australia
Suburban Rail Loop Authority
Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) will transform Victoria's public transport system connecting our suburbs and creating opportunities in great places.
The 90-kilometre SRL will link every major rail line from the Frankston line to the Werribee line, via the airport, better connecting Victorians to jobs, retail, education, health services and each other.
It will ease congestion and take pressure off the existing transport network and the project will generate a long pipeline of work and construction activity, creating up to 24,000 jobs across the economy during construction.
As well as delivering significant transport benefits, SRL provides an opportunity to plan the services, amenity and infrastructure we're going to need outside of the CBD for future generations.
SRL will be delivered in stages over several decades, with SRL East between Cheltenham and Box Hill now under construction. Initial and Early Works for SRL East started in 2022, paving the way for the main works packages to begin in 2025.
Initial and Early Works (Work Package A)
The Initial and Early Works comprises a range of preparatory works, including utility relocation and protection works, site establishment works, ground improvement trials, road improvements and underground structures to facilitate the commencement of tunnelling operations.
This Package of works has been awarded to Laing O'Rourke as the Managing Contractor.
Construction of the Initial and Early Works started in 2022.
Power Connection Works (Work Package B)
The Power Connection Works comprise works required to connect to and supply power from the Victorian electricity system for the construction and operation phases of SRL.
Activities associated with the Power Connection Works started in 2022.
Tunnels South - Cheltenham to Glen Waverley (Work Package C)
The Tunnels South package of works comprises all tunnelling and station box excavation works on the SRL alignment between Cheltenham and Glen Waverley, the completion of which will result in 16 kms of twin tunnels and a range of enabling infrastructure including cross passages.
The Tunnels South Package has been awarded to Suburban Connect and works are expected to commence in 2024.
Tunnels North - Glen Waverley to Box Hill (Work Package D)
The Tunnels North package of works comprises all tunnelling and station box excavation works on the SRL alignment between Glen Waverley and Box Hill, the completion of which will result in 10 kms of twin tunnels and a range of enabling infrastructure including cross passages.
Tenders for the Tunnels North Package have closed and the contract is expected to be awarded in 2024.
Stations Alliance South - Cheltenham, Clayton and Monash Stations (Work Package E)
The Stations Alliance South comprises all station building works at Cheltenham, Clayton and Monash, station box excavation at Cheltenham and all works to complete the stations (excluding any work included in Work Package G) and all surface works at the station precincts.
Tender release timing for the Stations Alliance South is 2025.
Stations Alliance North - Glen Waverley, Burwood and Box Hill Stations (Work Package F)
The Stations Alliance North comprises all station building works at Glen Waverley, Burwood and Box Hill, station box excavation at Box Hill and all works to complete the stations (excluding any work included in Work Package G) and all surface works at the station precincts.
Tender release timing for the Stations Alliance North is mid/late 2024.
Linewide Alliance (Work Package G)
The Linewide package of works include:
- the systems and infrastructure works required to deliver a fully functional standalone rail network including rail systems, linewide systems, the Southern Stabling Yard (SSY) and Emergency Support Facility (ESF)
- interface management between the Linewide Package and other SRL works packages and overall SRL East systems integration and
- following completion of infrastructure development works, the operations and maintenance of the SRL East network and infrastructure to agreed customer service and performance standards
Systems and infrastructure delivery includes the delivery of:
- tunnel fit-out works
- cross passage fit-out
- permanent high and low voltage power supply
- traction power
- track sectioning equipment
- communication systems
- network control including CBTC signalling
- rolling stock
- depot and maintenance facilities
- SSY design and implementation
- backup network control and disaster recovery centre
- overall responsibility for systems integration and
- operations and maintenance
Tenders for the Linewide package were released in early 2024 and will close in July 2024.
Important Note
This is NOT an EOI for the Main Contactor/Managing Contractor as this process will be carried out by the Suburban Rail Loop Authority.
Main Contractors interested in being involved in the Suburban Rail Loop should register their interest with the Suburban Rail Loop Authority here.
However if you are sub-contractor and/or product supplier please complete an EOI as below.
- To submit an initial EOI, companies must have an ICN Gateway company profile. Information on how to register your company on ICN Gateway is detailed below.
- This is an initial, generic EOI submission only. All companies who submit an EOI will be included in information presented to Construction Companies who are shortlisted to bid for this Project.
- The services, programmes and initiatives provided by ICN Victoria are aimed at complementing a company's existing Sales, Marketing and Business Development strategy and any EOI submitted should not be considered as an alternative to these activities.
- Click hereto register your company profile on ICN Gateway.
- Support and assistance is available through the web links listed below.
- An ICN Gateway company profile that accurately and effectively summarises your company is critical to using the services of the ICN network - please ensure that your company invests the time and energy required to represent your company in the most effective manner possible.
- Companies should ensure that the email notification functionality within their ICN Gateway company profile is activated to include an appropriate level of coverage to ICN Information and Updates, Major Projects and Regional Opportunities.
1) Gateway by ICN Setup Wizard
3) Gateway by ICN EOI User Guide
Express interest for any opportunities that may arise for this project.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Register interest for this opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Register interest for this opportunity.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Supply, Manufacture or Sub Contract Works associated with Tunneling
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Supply, Manufacture and/or Sub Contract Opportunities associated with Station Fit Outs
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Supply, Manufacture and/or Sub Contract of Works associated with the Linewide Package
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Supply, Manufacture and/or Sub Contract Works associated with the Operations and Maintenance of the Rail Line
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Supply, Manufacture and/or Sub Contract works associated with Rolling Stock
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Supply, Manufacture and/or Sub Contract Works associated with Signalling
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.
Supply, Manufacture and/or Sub Contract Works associated with Steel Products
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.