![Supplier logo](https://gateway-files-prd.icn.org.au/images/image_113325_full.jpg?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9nYXRld2F5LWZpbGVzLXByZC5pY24ub3JnLmF1L2ltYWdlcy9pbWFnZV8xMTMzMjVfZnVsbC5qcGciLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE3Mzg4MDM1MTd9fX1dfQ__&Signature=LQuPgW5dVd6BPAaT57nsBHubKhOLKvsZTOrDvgCo9rKSEGlCfd9y4REI9Mf00KETdRWNY782THGOtzrRv255VvAav03GGMMNimkqMoSj~kGKUAKaXyOhZIM3J3Iq4UalYDqUK85-Kpcu-kAmHVEG6aMSONZN~DoswCV~QYEPj-g4DX3dQSAlwmtX5-B6uPs-XAnJgI4CcTdIS5Evl5D~ScwViDBNfwr8z8-uMHUJ-OrCOigzjAiYOg02WkvCZBGliKNJxeLmah6ITYO7U4FCSEy7bJ07WjxnjqSBiSTIneEcU2Ya2dD7pKTVM4ccAF7CHy59P0c5xg9kLmFA5bRQ9w__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIUIGZWICELO5MIPA)
3 Symonds Street
Royal Park SA 5014
61 18 00387623
61 04 74539997
ABN 99608351515
Products and Services
Company Overview
Furnace Solutions was established in 2015 to provide specialist demolition services to the refractory industry. We have a solid footprint in WA and SA. The senior managers of Furnace Solutions have over 50 years' combined experience in the minerals and metals processing industry.
Through the completion of several large projects, we came to recognise that there was a need to combine the demolition and mechanical services. This combination allows for schedule improvement, reduced contractor interactions and enables us to take a greater overall responsibility for the projects' success.
We also offer a specialist shutdown management service with our own Project Management teams, Subject Matter Experts, Multi-discipline Planners and Execution teams.
Furnace Solutions are the only company in the industry who has the capability and capacity to do all the deconstruction, mechanical and plumbing work involved in furnace shutdowns.
3 Symonds Street
Royal Park SA 5014
1800 387 623
+61 474 539 997
ABN 99608351515