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location_onBasque Country Spain

56 Zugatzarte Etorbidea

Getxo Basque Country 48930


34 944 817883




done Product services
done We provide services to support clients in their greenfield projects' development according to the national regulation of the project, including:
done . Screening and scoping studies, doing a country-wide selection of optimal sites. It involves a full analysis of wind resource, bathymetry, seabed nature, environment, affected services, maritime traffic, aeronautical assessments, and other constraints to select best location minimizing LCOE.
done . Feasibility studies and conceptual design, which comprehend preliminary lay-out analysis and yield assessment, alternative analysis, preliminary electrical calculations, CAPEX and schedule estimations, logistic arrangement assessments, etc.
done . Assistance during the permitting stage, including services as stakeholder management; land management; specification and procurement support and supervision of engineering surveys, assistance during permitting (environmental, technical, grid connection, etc.) and subsidies (Local, Regional, State)
done . Focusing on support during the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA): we manage and supervise the environmental surveys and site characterization campaigns, the environmental assessment and the socioeconomic studies realized by third parties, integrating them on our design' scope.
done . Responsible of the design of the Floating lidar campaigns, supervision of its execution and data acquisition and analysis of the results and reporting.
done . Preliminary project documentation preparation to complete permitting process according to national regulation.
done Our capabilities regarding offshore wind farms engineering cover all design stages from scoping, feasibility studies and conceptual design, to pre-feed and feed to detailed design and tailor-made services, considering all packages to deploy a complete project: WTG, offshore cable (Export & Inter-array), foundations (floating and bottom fixed), mooring system, onshore export cable, offshore substation, onshore substation and facilities, transport and installation, O&M, SCADA and control system... Our services cover from design, interface management, support to ITT and owner's engineer, depending on our client's strategy and, particularly, for detail design and those packages where contractors develop the design of their scope.
done We have extensive engineering experience in full cycle, from conceptual design to EPCM & commissioning, which allow us to plan and take decisions early with consideration to delivery, supply chain, yield, and operations implications.
done In our services, we are technology agnostics which lets us to analyze the technical and commercial feasibility (including production, supply chain and O&M) of relevant technologies developed by third parties.
done We provide tailor-made services according to client's requirements and needs.
done Our offshore design services include studies as:
done . Metocean and wind resource studies.
done . Lay-out optimization and performance calculation.
done . Numerical modelling and coupled models.
done . Design of technology solutions and due diligences.
done . Mooring design.
done . Wind turbine selection, specification, integration, and design supervision as owner's engineer.
done . Technical Due Diligences.
done We can deliver engineering services not only for the offshore scope, but also for the onshore scope, as:
done . Onshore cable routing.
done . Transition joint bay design.
done . Onshore electrical substation.
done . Grid connection analysis.
done . Overhead and buried power lines design.
done We have electrical and infrastructure skills related to sea and land interconnection and main transmission, to optimize yield, capex, and O&M efficiency. Our services focusing on electrical engineering includes:
done . Horizontal drilling and directional drilling land-sea.
done . Anchoring and beaconing.
done . Routing of marine cables attending to different seabed studies.
done . Selection and calculation for submarine cables.
done . Specification of vessels for cable installation.
done . Laying and protection for submarine cables.
done . Inspection for works and as built information for cabling works.
done . Buried cable risk assessment (CBRA).
done Sener has large experience in port design, delivering services for offshore wind as:
done . Construction strategy definition and planning.
done . Screening studies for ports selections and feasibility studies for ports infrastructures improvements. It includes ports requirements assessment for the offshore wind market including manufacturing and assembly, load-out and float-off operations, transportation & logistics of components, etc.
done . Port and shipyard design (port development plans, functional design,conceptual up to detailed): quay, yard, road/rail access and maritime connections, mooring and berthing structures, bearing capacity, water depths and drafts.
done . Support in the engagement with port
done We also provide construction and T&I (as strategy definition, concept/process assessment and method statement/procedures)procurement and logistics planification, as well as cost and schedule studies and tailor-made services.
done 2.5. O&M
done Sener has an O&M department with large experience in energy and industry projects and we are taking part in R+D projects related to O&M as Float&M and involved in digitalization using digital twins and CMS. We deliver O&M tailor-made services. Our capabilities include O&M Ports screening and assessment, O&M strategy, O&M concept, O&M method of statement /procedures and Operational modelling.
done Sener has an instrumentation and control department with large experience delivering services related to control & Scada system in energy and industry projects. Our services until basic design stage cover:
done . Communication network requirements and design
done . Cybersecurity strategy, guidelines, requirements, and design
done . SCADA (software and hardware) for the WTGs specification and design
done . SCADA (software and hardware) for the Offshore substation specifications and design
done . Monitoring system and SCADA (software and hardware) for floating platforms specification and design
done . Condition monitoring system for WTG, foundations, mooring lines, etc. for predictive maintenance
done . Digital Twin functionalities for predictive maintenance
done . Metocean or other offshore sensors specification and integration
done . CCTV specification and design
done . Navigation Aids specification and design for construction and/or operation
done We also provide the supervision (as owner's engineer) of the design developed by the related contractors, through the activities described above.
done 2.7. R&D SERVICES
done We have developed our own software, called FARMWISE, for the definition of layout of wind turbines, substations, and the laying of inter-array cables, based on generative design. This software defines and optimizes offshore wind farm layout from early stages, considering production and its losses, electrical loses and LCOE results.
done Our R&D services include offshore wind digitalization, floating technology engineering as platforms and substations.
done We also take part in R&D programs, as Project Horizon calls (e.g., MarineWind, coordination and support action oriented to market uptake measures for Floating Offshore Wind Technology), and collaborative R+D projects as:_
done . Float&M (focused on the challenges of operation and maintenance activities and digitalization of the process)
done . ECOFOSS (floating substation design project lead by Navantia and REE (Spanish TSO)).
done Sener delivers services of:
done . Owners' engineer
done . Project and construction management
done . EPC management (EPCM)
done SENER has experience providing these services in a framework agreement contract for clients as Iberdrola, Avangrid and Scottish Power.
done For project and construction management services, we have developed our own procedures and methodologies to provide to our clients a fast deployment of our teams in their assignments.
done Our services cover for the different scope packages of an offshore wind farm (Wind turbines, foundations, export cables.):
done . Construction site activities, as site management interfaces, site inspections, reporting, audits, final fabrication reports and logistic interface management
done . Commissioning services for different test stages, from factory acceptance test to site acceptance test until the final commissioning
done . Quality assurance and quality control packages, that includes quality assurance standards and specifications, quality control in factory and in site and inspector for packages control.
done . Expedition logistic, covering ports and installation engineers, technical and planning support, maritime transport routes analysis and marine services.
done Sener has experience developing proprietary technology in energy, infrastructure, marine and aerospace, with a track-record of commercial success.
done For offshore wind, we not only develop our own floating technology, but also provide engineering services for developing our clients' floating technology, from steel or concreate floating foundations to floating substations.
done We are currently developing:
done . Floating platforms, as HiveWind.
done . Floating substation, as ECOFOSS
done We are aware of the potential of hybridization of floating offshore wind with other complementary technologies, as hydrogen, or new solutions that bring robustness to the floating offshore wind farms, increasing their availability or reducing costs. This is why we are exploring holistic solutions taking profit from the strengths of each technology and synergies between them. We are currently analyzing the inclusion of modular distributed substations, H2 equipment to produce offshore green hydrogen on floating and other solutions.

Company Overview

Sener is a privately-owned engineering and technology group and consists in five main companies: Sener Aeroespacial, Sener Mobility, Sener Energy, Sener Advanced Facilities and Sener Renewable Investments. Sener has significant experience delivering energy and industrial EPC projects and has supply chain capabilities that allow it to analyze, contract, and manage production, assembly, and construction.
Our offshore wind discipline provides solutions to offshore wind market challenges through services of permitting and development support, Engineering (from scoping, feasibility studies and conceptual design, to pre-feed and feed to detailed design and tailor-made services) and R+D , Project and Construction Management and through the development of Floating Technology, as the semi-submergible platform HiveWind (modular semisubmersible platform for +15MW offshore wind turbines, which is being developed and marketed by Sener Renewable Investments and Nervion Naval-Offshore.

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