About the Northern Water project
The Northern Water project aims to provide a new, sustainable water source for the Far North, Upper Spencer Gulf and Eastern Eyre Peninsula regions of South Australia to enable the growth of industries crucial to achieving net-zero goals, including the emerging green energy and hydrogen industries.
This would involve construction and operation of a seawater desalination plant in the Spencer Gulf connected to northern South Australia via up to 600km of pipeline.
The desalination plant would be constructed in two stages, to a total capacity of 260ML per day. This provides maximum flexibility to meet fluctuating demand over time and can be scaled up as demand increases. To transfer the large volumes of potable water generated by the desalination plant, a pipeline network will connect the new desalination plant to its customers. The main transfer pipeline will link Eastern Eyre Peninsula, Whyalla, Port Augusta, Woomera, Carapateena, Roxby Downs, Pimba, and Olympic Dam.
The desalination plant and transfer pipeline will require supporting infrastructure such as pumping stations, large storage facilities, flow regulation valves, control facilities, and construction amenities. Additional road connections, telecommunication and electricity infrastructure will also be required.
Subject to approvals and a final investment decision, detailed design and construction is scheduled to occur between 2025 and 2028.
For further information, please visit the project website: http://www.northernwater.com.au
The following link provides access to the Northern Water project flythrough: Northern Water (YouTube.com)
Note: The final decision to proceed with construction of the Northern Water project will rely on gaining required project approvals and agreements. The construction of the Northern Water Project requires various consents and approvals under Commonwealth and State legislation, including (but not limited to) the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth), the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (SA), and the Environmental Protection Act 1993 (SA). Infrastructure SA acknowledges that Traditional Owner consent will need to be obtained as part of the required approvals to enable construction of the project.
Northern Water conducted industry and business briefings on the 29th of February 2024 in Whyalla and Tumby Bay links to the recorded sessions are available below.
Industry Briefing, Whyalla: NW Industry Briefing Whyalla February 2024 - (YouTube.com)
Business Briefing, Tumby Bay: NW Business Briefing Tumby Bay February 2024 (YouTube.com)
Lodging your interest in the project as a supplier through ICN
Suppliers and organisations interested in future opportunities in relation to the project are encouraged to lodge their interest through the Northern Water ICN Expression of Interest (NW ICN EOI). The NW ICN EOI will be the primary point of information to keep you informed on potential opportunities and work packages arising from this project.
Further information on opportunities arising from the Northern Water project will also be made available at industry briefings to be held as the project progresses.
To enable us to contact you to provide additional project information as it becomes available, please complete the NW ICN EOI as per the instructions below.
How to register a Northern Water ICN Expression of Interest (NW ICN EOI)
Infrastructure South Australia greatly values the interest you have shown towards the Northern Water project and the industry and community engagement process. We will share further project information through the ICN as it becomes available.
The NW ICN EOI will be used to gather industry and supply chain interest in the project. Information will also be used as follows:
NW ICN EOI information will be made available to the project proponent.
NW ICN EOI information may be made available to organisations eligible to progress to the Major Contract Procurement Expression of Interest phase.
Prior to submitting a NW ICN EOI for the project, you will require an active ICN Gateway company profile. Information on how to register your company on ICN Gateway is available here - ICN Gateway User Guide.
To submit your NW ICN EOI, click on the 'create EOI' link which can be found via the View Work Packages button below.
Major Contract Procurement
Infrastructure South Australia has commenced a major contract procurement process under a Design, Build, Operate and Maintain ("DBOM") model. The major contract procurement process is managed through SA Tenders and Contracts.
NOTE: This ICN page is NOT the project's major contract procurement page.
Express interest as an supplier and keep me updated for any opportunities that may arise for this project.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.